Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Saddam on "Trial"

Is anyone else following this farce of a "trial"? Anyone else think it's totally absurd to have a panel of Iraqi's determining this man's fate? I mean... if I told the police my dad was smoking weed and he had a stash of it under his bed what do you think would happen to me once pop got out of jail? These people are terrified of him. Yesterday he told a witness, "tell the truth, I won't touch you". First lets think about the fact that he said "won't touch" not "can't touch". Saddam has followers willing to walk up to a crowded cafe, and blow themselves into 1000 pieces, do you really think he can't get witnesses killed? I understand that we need to make it appear as if we are just there to "help" the process along, however at the very least the panel should be made up of justices from various countries.


Blogger Unknown said...

Actually I think the man deserves a fair trial. As Americans we really have no idea if anything our govt. tells us he has done is true or not. America has an incredibly powerful propaganda machine.

Now, "fair trial" is where we run into problems. 2 of this guys lawyers have been killed already and I'm sure there have been all kinds of problems with the trial that would have had it considered a mis-trial in the US.

If this man is being tried as a war criminal, he should be tried at the Hague with all the other war-criminals by an international court. I agree with you that having the trial in Iraq is a complete farce, but for different reasons..

10:05 AM  

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