Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Walmart the bane of the world?

I've been having a discussion about Walmart with a co-worker for over a week now. In passing I heard her say "all those Walmart employees deserve better". Her contention is that WM is taking over the world, ruining families, perpetuating poverty etc, and all those poor workers deserve better. Now my close friends can stop reading now because they all know exactly how I feel about this. The last I checked WM was a business, a business' main goal is to produce a profit... "do more with less". Should WM be ostracized because their employees have decided that a $7.25 an hour job is the very best that they are able to do? Why is it when a company becomes wildly successful, instantly they are vilified? No one is forcing these people to work in retail, no one is forcing them to settle for less. You don't like making minimum wage? Can't pay your bills? Get off your ass and do better, go to school, write a book, rob a bank... whatever, just DO something. Accepting a check every week that you feel is completely unjust just perpetuates the perceived problem. I'm really tired of hearing so many people complaining about situations that they have the power to change, "the man" is not keeping you down! Control your destiny


Blogger Unknown said...

Yea, I've been watching this as well. People really need to focus their disdain on more imporant matters, not on how a public sector, for-profit company manages itself in a capitalist society. If they don't like it, they can buy stock (I think WM is a public company now) or at the least they can boycot them.

12:22 PM  

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